(最后更新:2019-09-27 09:32)

English at Illinois (www.english.illinois.edu) 网站外链和域名历史简要信息

域名 域名历史年龄 页面评级(UR) 域名评级(DR) 外链全球排名 链接数 来源页 来源域 来源IP 来源IP网段




40.1万 外链
1.4万 域名
8103 IP
6067 C段
数据来自:seo.juziseo.com 外链不自然 站内数据(估值) 3896 页面  56 内链  7 导出  外链分布: 238 Gov  4668 Edu  39.9万 锚文本链  22.1万 图片链  1264 重定向  38.6万 dofollow  1.4万 nofollow


关于 English at Illinois 网站

网站名称: English at Illinois 网站标题: English at Illinois 网站域名: www.english.illinois.edu
网站分类: 化工机械 主要语言: 英语 HTTP状态码: 200
服务器IP: 128.174.199.* (美国 伊利诺斯大学)  


序号 锚文本 百分比 百分比 锚文本数量 来源页 来源域
1 modern american poetry
5.6% 43225 42036 753
2 -
3.8% 3212 2924 514
3 www.english.illinois.edu
3.5% 1143 1136 469
4 here
2% 854 814 273
5 about the great depression
1.8% 597 596 244



序号 锚文本 来源页 来源页标题 链接前导文本
1 http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBlFwqq_qCw The Almost Universally Misinterpreted Poem “The Road Not Taken” and the Fascinating Story Behind It - YouTube
2 http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP_81iuMmh0 "Miniver Cheevy" by Edwin Arlington Robinson (read by Tom O'Bedlam) - YouTube
3 UIUC English Dept. Profile Page https://plus.google.com/104085222390776678129 Rob Barrett - Google+
4 Illinois English Department at the University of Illinois https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Civil_War Spanish Civil War - Wikipedia About the Spanish Civil War –
5 E.D.E.N. Southworth's The Hidden Hand https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._D._E._N._Southworth E. D. E. N. Southworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Baym, Nina .


序号 锚文本 来源页 来源页标题 链接前导文本
1 . The Triangle fire http://www.swoond.com/ S W O O N D workplace regulations were passed, helping to make factories much safer
2 University of Illinois Poetry Project http://www.kennethrexroth.com/ Kenneth Rexroth: The Signature of All Things | Documentary Film
3 Department of English http://www.semremtoo.org/Prior/ Paul A. Prior's home page Professor,
4 Modern American Poetry http://stevenspoetry.org/stevenslinks.htm Friends & Enemies of Wallace Stevens - LINKS
5 Modern American Poetry http://www.asrp.gr/show_links.asp American Studies Resource Portal