(最后更新:2019-09-27 07:22)

大英博物馆 (www.britishmuseum.org) 网站外链和域名历史简要信息

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搜狗评级,SogouRank:5 点击前往此站


312.9万 外链
4.1万 域名
2.5万 IP
1.6万 C段
数据来自:seo.juziseo.com 站内数据(估值) 136.3万 页面  112 内链  22 导出  外链分布: 1398 Gov  5.5万 Edu  312万 锚文本链  43万 图片链  1311 重定向  298万 dofollow  14万 nofollow


关于 大英博物馆 网站

大英博物馆介绍:the museum houses a vast collection of world art and artefacts and is free to all visitors. find information about visiting, including admission and opening times, events and exhibitions, gallery guides and teaching resources. search highlight objects of the collection and view current res...
网站名称: 大英博物馆 网站标题: British Museum 网站域名: www.britishmuseum.org
网站分类: 公共团体 主要语言: 英语 HTTP状态码: 200
服务器IP: 114.104.238.* (安徽省黄山市 电信)  


序号 锚文本 百分比 百分比 锚文本数量 来源页 来源域
1 british museum
26% 334249 165528 10559
2 the british museum
8.5% 761385 531515 3465
3 www.britishmuseum.org
4.5% 29012 15237 1838
4 http://www.britishmuseum.org/
3.6% 15062 7599 1451
5 -
3.4% 298410 142045 1363


序号 年月 首页历史快照标题 页面大小
1 2022年12月 British Museum 162.35 KB
2 2021年08月 British Museum 153.95 KB
3 2021年07月 British Museum - Welcome to the British Museum 32.5 KB
4 2021年06月 British Museum 141.69 KB
5 2020年12月 British Museum - Welcome to the British Museum 32.5 KB


序号 锚文本 来源页 来源页标题 链接前导文本
1 http://britishmuseum.org/africanrockart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq0DjwSZzkc How to play an ancient rock gong - YouTube For more information visit:
2 http://www.britishmuseum.org/pdf/Back... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uha7WWgoeX4 Imperium: The Last Act - YouTube
3 http://www.britishmuseum.org/pompeiilive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYTuNXq1eBk How to make 2,000-year-old-bread - YouTube Get the full recipe and find out more:
4 http://britishmuseum.org/africanrockart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq0DjwSZzkc How to play an ancient rock gong - YouTube For more information visit:
5 http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27DelLooE1o BASTILLE // Pompeii at The British Museum - YouTube


序号 锚文本 来源页 来源页标题 链接前导文本
1 Link to The British Museum Home Page http://ancientgreece.co.uk/ Ancient Greece - The British Museum
2 British Museum http://www.plasticayarte.com/ Artes plásticas
3 Future Curator programme http://www.eloquentpeasant.com/ The Eloquent Peasant – An Egyptologist's blog about everything ancient Egyptian translation! When I began my work with the British Museum’s
4 Rosetta Stone http://www.eloquentpeasant.com/ The Eloquent Peasant – An Egyptologist's blog about everything ancient Egyptian the French scholar is famed for his work on the
5 Pharaoh: King of Egypt http://www.eloquentpeasant.com/ The Eloquent Peasant – An Egyptologist's blog about everything ancient Egyptian , written to accompany the British Museum UK touring exhibition